In the movie, geeky 14-year old Ethan (played by Matthew Knight) is left to babysit his younger sister, Jane (played by Ella Jonas Farlinger), with his best friend Benny (played by Atticus Mitchell). But after Ethan inadvertently puts Jane in harm's way, his parents hire a professional sitter, the beautiful yet mysterious 17-year-old Sarah (played by Vanessa Morgan) who, unbeknownst to them, is actually a fledgling vampire. When the boys discover Sarah's secret, she enlists their help in stopping her vampire ex-boyfriend, Jesse, from taking over their town, Whitechapel. Along the way, they discover that Whitechapel holds a few secrets of its own, and that they themselves might actually even have supernatural powers. When fans of the newest vampire movie "Dusk 3" gather for its premiere, Jesse and his clan of followers plan their vengeance on Whitechapel that night, and only Sarah, Ethan and Benny can stop them from destroying their town.
Tags: My Babysitter s a Vampire Revamped,My Babysitter s a Vampire Revamped Disney. My Babysitter s a Vampire Revamped episodes for the Fresh TV Original Series, My Babysitter’s a Vampire. It premiered on Télétoon (French)
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